Glascribe Pen

Bel-Art Products (343)

Glascribe® Pen
Mark laboratory glassware with the Glascribe® Pen with retractable tungsten carbide tip (Mohs Hardness = 9). It easily inscribes on glass, ceramics, and plastic. The pen has a pocket clip so it is always handy when needed.
Glascribe® Pen
Mark laboratory glassware with the Glascribe® Pen with retractable tungsten carbide tip (Mohs Hardness = 9). It easily inscribes on glass, ceramics, and plastic. The pen has a pocket clip so it is always handy when needed.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier PK Type General Price Quantity Status Add
9032932 H44150-0000 Bel-Art Products 1 Glascribe® pen 133.68 EU Search 20 Days
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